3 Ways to Connect as a Couple this Summer
Share the peaceful part of your day.
This is my favorite because it is so simple. The kids are in bed and it’s those last few quiet moments of the day. Laundry, bills and lunches can all wait for tomorrow. Turn off the television and sit together in the quiet. Share in the peace, share your day and share a prayer.
Get cooking.
Pick one night a week where you make a meal together. The benefits of families eating together have been proven, and when that meal has been made by hand with love and attention, the importance increases tenfold. Consider creating a special meal prayer to honor this tradition.
Take a walk about the neighborhood.
One of my favorite rituals in the evening hours is taking a walk with my family around our neighborhood. I like naming the flowers or waving to a friend. Best of all, I like to walk slowly, holding my husband’s hand as we watch the kids race their bikes ahead of us. As the years pass and my children leave home, these walks will be a lasting memory.