Halloween and All Saints family fun
There’s a lot of celebrating to be had in the next week. According to some reports, people spend more on Halloween than on Christmas. (That’s not true in my house, but we enjoy it, all the same.)
As Catholics, there’s a lot of depth to Halloween and the days following: All Saints’ Day on November 1 and All Souls’ Day on November 2! (All Saints’ Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, too, so be sure to make time for Mass in your schedule!)
Celebrate together
If you’re looking for a way to avoid sharp objects and digging out pumpkin guts, making this version of a saint-o-lantern is an alternative that involves the saints and melting crayons. This also gives you a chance to talk about a patron saint, a favorite saint, or a saint who shared interests with your family.
Darcy Osby says the saints are Catholic superheroes, and I have to admit that I love that framing! She also shares four ways to integrate the saints into your life; while she’s talking to catechists and classroom teachers, I think the message holds true for parents and families as well.
Food and fun
Play-Doh is fun, it’s true, but when you can make your own, it’s a whole new level of experience. Now, consider making your own in Halloween colors and then making Play-Doh treats. While you can’t eat them (though someone in my house will probably try), they won’t hurt you if you do, and they can be shaped into endless pretend goodies.
But let’s not forget the food, the real food! Genius Kitchen has homemade treats and desserts that are fall and Halloween themed, and at least half of them look easy enough to do with things I have already in my house. A huge bonus for me is that they’re not all creepy.
Do you have a link or resource to share? Send it to us at takeout@osv.com so we can share it in a future issue!