St. Agatha of Sicily, virgin and martyr
St. Agatha is a martyr and one of the most venerated virgins of the early Church. Like many of the early saints, her history is cloaked in time. Pope Damasus wrote a hymn in her honor (or had a poem that was perhaps written by someone else) included in his book of devotions. Two versions of her martyrdom were recorded in the early Church.
Agatha is the patron of Catania and her protection is invoked during earthquakes and volcano eruptions. She also intercedes for bellmakers, nursemaids, goldsmiths, blast furnace workers, miners and weavers! Do you know someone with breast cancer? Pray for the intercession of St. Agatha. In some regions, St. Agatha’s bread is distributed to ward off a variety of diseases and mishaps. Her feast day is February 5.