Stuck at home? Here are some resources to help
We’ve gathered some resources from around the internet to help you out. Check them out for general news, ideas on homeschooling, activities to keep kids occupied, or just some encouraging words for your sanity!
30-day free trial from Catholic Brain
Free downloads from Teaching Catholic Kids
A comprehensive list of changes to Mass Schedules or Obligation in U.S. dioceses
The Messy Family Project
A list of free educational opportunities during coronavirus
Catholic All Year: Kendra Tierney offers some advice based on years of experience homeschooling her kids.
In Honor of Design: Some stress relieving activities to do with your kids.
Catholic Icing: Homeschooling tips and Activities and crafts.
Holy Heroes: Sunday Mass prep kit
Catholic Commons: A new podcast from Lauren Montgomery. Check it out and follow her on Instagram. Hope not fear from Mary Lou Rosien.
Some really neat Catholic activities!
Magnificat is offering free access.
Shower of Roses: A prayer for epidemics
Also this printable prayer card here.
Have a resource to share? Let me know by emailing and I’ll add them to this list.