The first Sunday of Advent: Expectation
The Scriptures remind us to stay awake for we know not when the Lord will come.
Advent Wreath Prayer
Sit down to dinner as a family, light the first candle and say…
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Isaiah 9:1).
God of compassion,
be with us in these long and dark days
as we await the birth of your son, Jesus.
Family Advent Activity
The Ringing of the Bells – Place a bell (or a cluster of sleigh bells) in a prominent place in your home. Draw names after Sunday Mass each week and pledge to do something nice for the family member whose name you choose. Each time you do something nice for that person ring the bells. Listen to the sound of kindness filling your house!
How do the sounds of the season – bells, chant music, children’s laughter and excitement – help enhance our Advent experience?