Shortly after our oldest was born, a certain parenting magazine just started showing up in our mailbox. After about three months, I noticed that every issue plays into stereotypes that […]
The Ides of December and the O Antiphons
Have you heard the phrase “Ides of March”? I think I first heard about it in a literature class where it was used in Shakespeare. (That was quite a few […]
The second Sunday of Advent: Proclamation
John the Baptist proclaims the coming of the Messiah. How will we prepare? Advent Wreath Prayer Light the second candle and say… “The people who walked in darkness have seen […]
Here comes Advent (with more resources)
Advent. It’s that time of year when I find myself saying REALLY? a lot. “Really? One more thing?” “Really? Flames with a toddler?” “Really? Christmas parties and music and school things […]
The first Sunday of Advent: Expectation
The Scriptures remind us to stay awake for we know not when the Lord will come. Advent Wreath Prayer Sit down to dinner as a family, light the first candle […]