Have I prayed every day? Have I prayed my morning prayers and night prayers? Have I prayed with my parents and family? Ask these questions and more you’ll find online by Fr. Thomas Weinandy to get started with an examination of conscience. Extra resources too!
Examination of Conscience
What makes us Catholic: Tradition
Traditions are important to families. Singing the family birthday song, making grandma’s banana bread, praying in a special way at holiday meals — traditions are the foundation on which strong families are built. Likewise, the Church was built upon the rituals and traditions of the apostles and the early Christian communities.
Say a prayer before (and after) meals
You’ll find a number of mealtime prayers in the Table Blessings section of CatholicCulture.org, which contains dozens of table blessings for every season. Here are some other ideas for praying […]
Celebrating Reconciliation with kids: 9 ways to get into the habit
The sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation gets a bad rap, with many people steering clear because they think it’s all about guilt and punishment, when actually the emphasis is on mercy, forgiveness, and healing. Here’s how to help your family enjoy the benefits of this sacrament more regularly.
Praying the Rosary in October
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. The month of October is dedicated to the holy Rosary, one of the best known […]