Here are a few ideas for making Black History Month an opportunity for learning and sharing about our rich Catholic traditions with your family. Pray together Use this Black Catholic […]
Black History Month activities for Catholic families
Love can conquer all
I don’t have any statistical data to back this up, but if there are any intrepid researchers willing to take the ball and run with it, be my guest. Here […]
St. Anthony of Egypt … and his pig
This 5-minute video is created from still photos of a play for paper theater by Father Matthew Powell, O.P., about the life of the third-century hermit of Egypt, his battles […]
From persecutor to Christian: The conversion of St. Paul
One feast day that often slips by without notice is the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. This miraculous event, which has been part of the Church calendar for more than 1,500 years, is an unmovable feast — that is, it is always on the same calendar date, Jan. 25. (Some years, the feast day falls on a Sunday, and because only a Solemnity or a feast of Our Lord can trump the Sunday liturgy, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul is not always widely commemorated then.) But these calendar circumstances in no way diminish the importance of Paul’s conversion, as he was among the greatest of the missionaries spreading the words of Jesus Christ. Further, he is an example that anyone, even the most hardened unbeliever or the vilest heretic, can be created anew by our loving Savior. Find out more about St. Paul online.
St. Frances de Sales
When Saint Francis de Sales was born in 1567 in Thorens-Glières, France, his father had his life planned out for him. This life would be one of nobility, with a career in law that would culminate with his appointment as a magistrate. Francis’ earthly father planned a prosperous and prestigious future for him, but it turned out that his heavenly Father had other plans. Find out about those plans online.