When my fourth child was born, it didn’t sink in that he was going to be a “Lent kid.” I wasn’t raised Catholic, so, to be honest, it never really […]
Forgiveness algebra: The other side of the equation
Every Catholic knows forgiveness algebra: 7 x 70 times = the number of times we should forgive someone who hurts us (see Matthew 18:22, RSV). Maybe the reason it gets […]
Nine ways your kids can get money for almsgiving
Do your kids practice almsgiving? It’s been a core practice of our faith for thousands of years. But what is almsgiving, anyway? And how can cash-strapped kids raise money for the needy? We’ve got you covered on both counts.
Make a family plan for Lent
Make your family’s Lent great with a little planning. Here’s how, and a free printable to help.