Have you ever wished you could talk to animals? What would you say to them if you could?
Meet St. Thérèse of Lisieux! • Saints for kids
Meet Saint Thérèse of Lisieux! She’s one of the Church’s most honored saints—but that doesn’t mean loving Jesus was always easy for her. Here’s the story of how she decided to turn her sacrifices into “flowers” for Jesus. Plus: Seven sayings from the saint to help you grow in holiness.
St. Jerome and the Bible
Do you know who translated the first Bible the common person could understand? St. Jerome. It took him a long time and he was reluctant to do it but the […]
Raphael, Michael and Gabriel: Feast of the Archangels
Each year as the warm days of summer turn to the coolness and bright colors of autumn, the Church celebrates the work and ministry of angels. We begin this celebration […]
3 saints teachers can look to this school year
Our canonized and beatified elder brothers and sisters in the Faith can educate us in the school of holiness. As you begin the new academic year in your role as […]