Imagine being in front of 3,000 people when you send up a cheer for nuns… …only to realize that the person you were referring to was a religious sister… …and […]
Sisters vs. nuns and some November saints
Telling takes courage
“Young people, you have it in you to shout…. Even if others keep quiet, if we older people and leaders keep quiet, if the whole world keeps quiet and loses […]
Bless us, O Lord!
“Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive …“ Why do we pray over our meals? Because we, as a community of believers, learned […]
Why is there a feast for the Basilica of St. John Lateran?
St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome is considered the mother church of all the Catholic churches in the Western world; inscribed on the church facade for all to see are […]
Remembering the souls in Purgatory all November long
With November comes an onslaught of holiday preparations. (Don’t tell me there’s not. I’m in all sorts of denial, but I know better.) But let’s not forget that November is dedicated […]