THE FEAST OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, King of the Universe is the final Sunday in the liturgical year. This year it is Nov. 22. (The First Sunday of Advent begins a new Church year.) It is fitting that the Church celebrates Christ the King on this final Sunday of the year because Christ’s central mission was to proclaim the presence of the reign of God here and now and forever. We believe that Christ is king, not in an earthly sense; rather he is the Anointed One (in Hebrew Messiah), the Savior of the World. White vestments are worn at Mass on this feast to symbolize Christ’s victory over death and eternal life. The white garment we are given at baptism at the beginning of our lives and the white pall laid over the coffin at our time of death are reflections of our own victory over death in Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia!