3 ways to tackle marriage stress

Catholic husband Cory Busse writes, if your marriage is anything like mine, there’s only one thing you can count on: perfect marital bliss 24/7! Only kidding! Marriage is hard work. Go online to find three ways to turn some of the most stressful marital moments into opportunities for a stronger union.

How to create a pro-life culture at home

Prayer is an essential component of a pro-life culture within the family cell. Praying in front of abortion clinics is an effective pro-life measure, but praying within our own families makes it a part of our daily lives. When we pray with our children for pregnant mothers, the revitalization of the family and an end to abortion, we teach them that the pro-life cause isn’t something “out there;” it’s something that we all should be concerned about. Find more suggestions to make your home pro-life online.