Time. In today’s world, there never seems to be enough of it. As the speed of family life continues to increase, how we use our time together (and even the […]
Helping children understand elections
During election season, it’s hard to avoid the barrage of information about and advertising related to candidates and current issues. From signs and billboards to commercials, debates, radio spots and […]
3 ways to tackle marriage stress
Catholic husband Cory Busse writes, if your marriage is anything like mine, there’s only one thing you can count on: perfect marital bliss 24/7! Only kidding! Marriage is hard work. Go online to find three ways to turn some of the most stressful marital moments into opportunities for a stronger union.
Parenting roadblocks
Children have an uncanny knack for revealing great depths of love and joy while simultaneously commandeering parents’ last nerves and hijacking inner peace. Simply put, we love our kids like […]
How to create a pro-life culture at home
Prayer is an essential component of a pro-life culture within the family cell. Praying in front of abortion clinics is an effective pro-life measure, but praying within our own families makes it a part of our daily lives. When we pray with our children for pregnant mothers, the revitalization of the family and an end to abortion, we teach them that the pro-life cause isn’t something “out there;” it’s something that we all should be concerned about. Find more suggestions to make your home pro-life online.