“Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive …“ Why do we pray over our meals? Because we, as a community of believers, learned […]
Parenting roadblocks
Children have an uncanny knack for revealing great depths of love and joy while simultaneously commandeering parents’ last nerves and hijacking inner peace. Simply put, we love our kids like […]
Seize the moment
Family life is hectic. Yet no matter how chaotic your life, each day presents opportunities to talk about your Catholic faith and pass on your family’s values. God is with […]
Common Prayers
In case you need a refresher, below are some of the most common traditional prayers. These prayers are also used to pray the Rosary. Sign of the Cross In the […]
Diary of a Catholic Mom: Scheduling in Time for Faith
As the August days begin to shorten and cool down, my conversations with my friends shift from summer vacation plans and pool dates to the exacting nature of planning out […]