St. Elizabeth Ann Seton • Saint stories

Can you guess which saint was the first to be born in America? Not many can. If you had told this saint as little girl that she would become Catholic, she probably would have laughed at you.

Elizabeth Ann grew up in a very strong Protestant family. They would have very little to do with anyone Catholic. Back then many people would judge you by what religion you were, not by your actions. Imagine choosing not to play with another kid just because he wasn’t your same religion! Her feast day is January 4. Read about St. Elizabeth’s story online.

Feast of the Holy Innocents: Part of the Christmas Octave

Every day of the Christmas octave is filled with meaning that reflects back on the Nativity, not just the birth of Christ but the impact, the reality of the birth. Octaves can be traced back to the Old Testament, Each of these feast days within the octave continues the joys of Christmas Day and helps us in our attempt to understand the mystery of the Incarnation. Read all about the octaves online.