Planning your kids’ Easter baskets? Here are more than a dozen fun ideas that honor the religious meaning of the holiest day in the Church year, from a book about Jesus to Easter socks to a rosary just for kids. Visit us online for these suggestions and many more to make this Easter a fully Catholic one.
St. John Bosco
John Bosco was born August 16, 1815, in Becchi, Italy. He was the youngest son of Francesco Bosco and Margherita Occhiena and had two older brothers, Antonio and Giuseppe. St. John Bosco was canonized on Easter Sunday, 1934 and he was given the title, “Father and Teacher of Youth.” Saint John Bosco is the patron saint of apprentices, editors and publishers, schoolchildren, magicians, and juvenile delinquents. His feast day is on January 31. Watch a video about him online.
Bless your home
Have you ever formally blessed your home? This traditional ritual is a powerful reminder that your home is a “sacred space” because of the people who live there. Whether you bless your home yourself or invite your pastor to do so, here are a few ideas you might want to incorporate.
Five things you didn’t know about St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas lived in the fourth century and is best known today as the living model of “Santa Claus.” St. Nicholas Day is Dec. 6. A tradition holds that children […]
“Smells and bells”
Every Catholic is familiar with the sights, the sounds and even the smells that adorn the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Glowing candles, ringing bells and the aroma of incense […]