St. John Chrysostom


St. John Chrysostom is a Doctor of the Church who lived from about 347-407. He was one of the Catholic Faith’s great theogologians. St. John was such a good preacher that he was known as the “golden-mouthed,” or “Chrysostom.”

He was born in Antioch and studied law under the famous pagan orator Libanius and theology under Diodore of Tarsus, head of the Alexandrian School. He wanted to become a monk, but his mother had poor health. His wasn’t very good either, because of his ascetical lifestyle. Ordained a priest in 386, he was ordered to preach to the community, and was pretty good at it!

St. John was made bishop of Constantinople, but saw much intrigue during his time, and was sent to exile. He died on September 14, 407.

St. John is honored as Doctor of the Eucharist for his witness to the Real Presence. His feast day is September 13.