Our round-up this week includes something for you, a smile or two, and some food for thought. Oh, and a craft. Because even the craft-averse among us can handle this one.
Play-Doh with a Catholic twist
September 16 is National Play-Doh Day, and that got our team inspired. So here we go…
Thanks around the world
Cut out and make copies of the many ways to say “Thank you” around the world. Place a copy on each plate at your Thanksgiving meal and take turns saying […]
What is stewardship?
Many Catholics are familiar with the term “stewardship,” but the full meaning of the word is not well known, and few people realize that stewardship can be fun and creative! […]
The Beatitudes
Taking care of others and serving those in need is a way to express God’s love to others. The Beatitudes show us how to live this out. Download the Beatitudes […]