In this week’s breaking open the word, one theme is that we are called to be holy. When we choose not to respond to that call, we are not approaching our father with the attitude of trust he desires. Joseph’s story shows how the Lord is faithful to those who have faith in him. Visit us online, for Scripture discussion questions for your family and some Bible study suggestions.
Rejoice! • Breaking open the word
In breaking opening the word for the third Sunday of Advent, or Gaudete Sunday, we find it’s a day to rejoice! In fact, Gaudete means rejoice. We’re halfway to Christmas, and that’s nothing to sneeze at! The scripture readings for Guadete Sunday reflect that joy and recall the “jubilee” spirit that Jesus brought with him when he became one of us. Online you’ll find a reflection on the readings, questions to ask your Catholic kids, and Bible study helps.
Guest of the Lamb • Breaking open the word
This Second Sunday of Advent, we hear a message of peace so profound, all of nature is affected by it. And the most interesting part of this is the linkage between the peace of God and the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. This week’s opening the word has a short reflection on the Scriptures, some questions to ask your family, and a Bible study to share with your kids. Find the complete post online.
Armor of light • Breaking open the word
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, but before we get there, we have a whole season of Advent to get through! The Church, in her wisdom, designed a time of slowing down and reflection in what is for most people one of the busiest times of year. Today we begin that season, and also the new liturgical year. Help your family understand and anticipate with this week’s Scripture reflection, questions, and Bible study helps. Find everything online.