There’s a chill in the air and I know I’m going to have to wear a heavier jacket, gloves and a hat when I take my walk. My regular walking […]
5 ways to pray: A balanced Catholic prayer diet
Help your kids develop a rich and varied prayer life by introducing them to the five basic forms of prayer.
The (red and) green-eyed monster
As much as we teach our kids that Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas, there’s just no avoiding the emotions that come with stuff at the holidays. Talk about […]
7 ways to say ‘thanks’ to God
Most of us were toddlers when we learned to say “please” and “thank you.” We were a little older when we fell into the habit of asking, begging, nagging, whining, […]
Sisters vs. nuns and some November saints
Imagine being in front of 3,000 people when you send up a cheer for nuns… …only to realize that the person you were referring to was a religious sister… …and […]