Have one of your brothers or sisters or even a friend gotten really sick? Were you told to stay away from them so you wouldn’t get sick? St. Aloysius Gonzaga took that risk! He grew up in a very wealthy family. His father wanted him to be a soldier “just like him!” In fact, at the age of 4 years old, he began his training as a soldier and a courtier (a person who works as an advisor or companion to the king or queen). Granted, Aloysius lived 450 years ago. But still that was a young age to begin training.
Saint Anthony of Padua • Saint stories
“Mom! Where’s my _______?” Sound familiar? Instead of calling on Mom, try Saint Anthony!
The Sacred Heart of Jesus • Monthly Devotion for June
Back in the Middle Ages, many Catholics began observing special devotions around a particular theme each month. Today, many families are reviving this practice as part of the way they observe the liturgical calendar at home. By practicing monthly devotions, the core values of the faith will become more alive within your family. The beauty of monthly devotions is that there is no set way to celebrate. So be creative, make it fun, and adapt your celebration to your own family. Teaching Catholic Kids has ways to celebrate the popular devotion for June, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Meet Venerable Pierre Toussaint • Saints for kids
Being born into slavery didn’t stop Pierre Toussaint from joyfully serving God . . . nor did he stop serving God when he won his freedom and became one of the most well-liked men in New York society.
Saint Kevin • Saint stories
Do you like to eat vegetables? Is it possible for apples to grow on a willow tree? Would a bird ever build a nest on YOUR hand? Amazing things happened to Saint Kevin!