This Sunday features stories of God’s healing power being spent on people who would have been resented by Israelite society (or us), thus demonstrating God’s expansive generosity.
Increase our faith • Breaking open the word
It can be pretty tempting, in these difficult times, to be anxious or even to despair. God assures us that the promise God made to us of his care and protection will come to us as we need it. We are encouraged to be brave, to believe, and have faith—to keep on keeping on.
A great chasm • Breaking open the word
Worldly wealth is fleeting, this Sunday’s readings remind us, so it is wise to use it to invest in true wealth—the kind you can take to heaven.
God gets political • Breaking open the word
What does a good political or business leader do? Sunday’s readings give us God’s perspective.
Have mercy • Breaking open the word
God, who is perfect and loves us unconditionally, offers us mercy all the time—and expects us to do the same for others.