Ever since the Solemnity of Christ the King became Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe; I can’t help but thing of He-Man, Master of the Universe whenever I hear it. But, Jesus is more powerful than any superhero and his authority is perfect. We are reminded of this as we close out the liturgical year, and prepare ourselves for Jesus’ coming throughout the season of Advent. Find much more reflection, questions and ideas online for this week’s readings.
The end of the world as we know it • Breaking open the word
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine! Well, it’s probably not quite the end, but this weekend’s readings remind us that Jesus will be coming back and we should never be afraid.
God of the living • Breaking open the word
It’s November—the month that we remember our Saints, our beloved dead, and we get ready to close out the liturgical year. This weekend’s readings engage all of these themes, preparing us for what is to come.
Lover of souls • Breaking open the word
God’s extravagant love for us is on display in this week’s readings. From the first reading to the Gospel, God’s tenderness and mercy are brought in a personal way to Zacchaeus . . . and to all of us.
A God of justice • Breaking open the word
This is the second week in a row that our readings focus on prayer. Why? Because it’s that important. The readings focus on three aspects of prayer: God’s response to them, God’s faithfulness to us when we call out to God, and the posture that we should take when approaching God—absolute openness and truth.