Our (very poetic) readings this week continue on the theme of God’s faithfulness, and our trust in God, which gives us the freedom to keep our priorities straight and not to get caught up in worry. If we are in right relationship with God, that freedom translates into availability for service to others. Because, as Jesus says, “where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
Life isn’t stuff • Breaking open the word
What really matters in life? Sunday’s readings urge us to re-focus our lives on building up the only kind of riches that really matter.
Corpus Christi: How God feeds us • Breaking open the word
There are two celebrations during the Liturgical Year when the Church pauses in particular to focus on the Eucharist: Holy Thursday and the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. The readings at both of these liturgies focus on service. This is no accident—there is an absolute connection between what we receive and what we live.
The Trinity: A family of love • Breaking open the word
God is the original family. The Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit are a community of love from and through whom all creation flows. Trinity Sunday’s readings break open the relationship that God offers us and sustains in us.