God, who is perfect and loves us unconditionally, offers us mercy all the time—and expects us to do the same for others.
Finish the work • Breaking open the word
Be prepared! For the Christian, being prepared means being willing to trust that God will get us through every difficulty and challenge.
Know thyself • Breaking open the word
Last Sunday’s readings spoke of the importance of accepting correction. This week’s readings unpack that value with a discussion on humility—a necessity for any Christian. What is true humility? God’s Word tells us in a multitude of ways.
From the east and the west • Breaking open the word
God wishes to save not just a few, Sunday’s readings tell us, but all the people of every nation on the Earth.
Have you shed blood yet? • Breaking open the word
This Sunday’s readings are full of conflict and struggle—a reminder that far from being easy, doing the right thing often requires sacrifice.