The Trinity is the “central mystery of the Christian faith,” yet most kids are a little fuzzy on the details. You can begin to remedy that by marking the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity with your kids. In the post you’ll find several ways to celebrate the day, plus some talking points to get you started.
3 great spring feasts
Catholics will celebrate three important feast days in late spring: Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit; Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ; and Trinity Sunday, three persons in one God. Teaching Catholic Kids has creative ways your family can celebrate, including activities, crafts and more.
The Trinity: A family of love • Breaking open the word
God is the original family. The Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit are a community of love from and through whom all creation flows. Trinity Sunday’s readings break open the relationship that God offers us and sustains in us.