The Most Precious Blood of Jesus • Monthly devotion for July

Back in the Middle Ages, many Catholics began observing special devotions around a particular theme each month. Today, many families are reviving this practice as part of the way they observe the liturgical calendar at home. By practicing monthly devotions, the core values of the faith will become more alive within your family. The beauty of monthly devotions is that there is no set way to celebrate. So, be creative, make it fun, and adapt your celebration to your own family.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus • Monthly Devotion for June

Back in the Middle Ages, many Catholics began observing special devotions around a particular theme each month. Today, many families are reviving this practice as part of the way they observe the liturgical calendar at home. By practicing monthly devotions, the core values of the faith will become more alive within your family. The beauty of monthly devotions is that there is no set way to celebrate. So be creative, make it fun, and adapt your celebration to your own family. Teaching Catholic Kids has ways to celebrate the popular devotion for June, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.