In his writings on the Theology of the Body, Pope John Paul II describes the human being as a “unity” of body, mind and spirit. You can’t do something with […]
The top 5 “Catholic” school supplies and how to use them
Back-to-school sales started just after the Fourth of July. Most of them focused on the supplies kids need to make the shift from summer to fall — the stuff. But […]
Seven steps to keeping your child safe from abuse
No child should have to endure the pain of sexual abuse. Yet estimates tell us that about one in four girls and one in eight boys will be sexually violated […]
The Mass as a holy meal
The Mass is a unique and marvelous sacrifice. It is the mystical reality in which Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is renewed. The Mass is also a sacred banquet where […]
Helping children understand elections
During election season, it’s hard to avoid the barrage of information about and advertising related to candidates and current issues. From signs and billboards to commercials, debates, radio spots and […]