No child should have to endure the pain of sexual abuse. Yet estimates tell us that about one in four girls and one in eight boys will be sexually violated […]
The Mass as a holy meal
The Mass is a unique and marvelous sacrifice. It is the mystical reality in which Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is renewed. The Mass is also a sacred banquet where […]
3 Ways to Connect as a Couple this Summer
Share the peaceful part of your day. This is my favorite because it is so simple. The kids are in bed and it’s those last few quiet moments of the […]
Celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
Among the many glorious feast days of our Catholic faith, Corpus Christi is arguably one of the richest! This is so because of what we’re celebrating — namely, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1324). It is also so because of the circumstances that led to the proclamation of the feast, which involved a nun, a priest, a bishop and a Eucharistic miracle. Teaching Catholic Kids tells the story.
Holy Week: Ideas for families
Since the early days of Christianity, the week beginning with Palm Sunday and ending at sundown on Easter has been a sacred time because it commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In today’s post you’ll find some faith-filled ideas to help you keep the holy in Holy Week.