Most of us are familiar with European Advent customs such as the Advent wreath, the Jesse tree and Advent calendars. While these traditions are popular, they aren’t the only way Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This year, add a little international flavor to your Advent by circling the globe with these ’round the world customs. Visit us online to find a variety of customs!
10+ ways to celebrate Easter with your kids with food, fun, and prayer
Easter marks the high point of the entire liturgical year. Here’s how to celebrate the season with your kids.
St. Patrick’s Day: Joy during Lent
It sticks out like a sore, green thumb in the middle of a sober liturgical period. As a lifelong Catholic — and a lifelong Irishman — I struggle with squaring my prayer, repentance, almsgiving and self-denial with a holiday (one of my favorites) whose excesses include dying an entire river green. When I’m supposed to be fasting and giving things up and attending penance services, along comes this holiday — this feast day — that contradicts the whole Lenten vibe with its parades and corned beef. Find more about Saint Patrick online.
Celebrate Mardi Gras
On the day before Ash Wednesday, Catholics get one last shot at celebration before beginning 40 days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The name Mardi Gras (literally, French for “Fat […]
Simple ways to incorporate the Year of St. Joseph into your family life
Incorporate these ideas as often as you wish to celebrate St. Joseph this year. Pray the Act of Hope “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom […]