Hello, Lent. Here’s my confession: we’re NOT a Meatless Friday family. I am meatless, myself, for the most part on Fridays. But for a variety of reasons, I don’t insist on it for […]
Lenten pretzels
The pretzel has great historical and spiritual significance. As the faithful in the old Roman Empire kept a very strict fast all through Lent — no dairy products, eggs, or […]
Ashes to Alleluia
On Ash Wednesday the procession to the altar is as diverse as we will ever see it! Mothers carrying babies, toddlers holding onto dad’s hand, teens, parishioners, neighbors, employees from […]
Get your family ready for Lent
When my fourth child was born, it didn’t sink in that he was going to be a “Lent kid.” I wasn’t raised Catholic, so, to be honest, it never really […]
The liturgical year: A journey with Jesus
There probably aren’t many people who wish you Happy New Year in November! But sometimes the last Sunday of November actually is the beginning of the new year in the […]