All Hallow’s Eve, or Halloween, goes hand-in-hand with the feasts of All Saints and All Souls. Here’s how to celebrate it with your kids.
7 ways to Celebrate the Feasts of the Angels
With the feasts of the archangels and the guardian angels only four days apart, it’s a great time to celebrate the angels with your kids. Here are seven ideas for what to do.
Celebrate Mary’s birthday with doughnuts, cake, and candles!
Everyone loves birthday celebrations, and honoring our Blessed Mother’s birth is a party you don’t want to miss! These sweet treats are a fun and memorable way to celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 8.
Celebrating the Queenship of Mary with your kids
The feast of the Queenship of Mary is more than just another way of honoring Mary as the mother of Jesus; it is also a reminder that all of us are “kings and queens” in the Kingdom of God—even the youngest of your kids!
Celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption with kids
On the Feast of the Assumption, we celebrate not only the special dignity of the Blessed Mother, but also the dignity of our own bodies. Here’s a kid-friendly explanation, and some activity ideas.