Are you ready for Advent? Here’s a checklist of eight Advent practices you can do with your family, plus a list of important feasts and holidays during Advent.
Seven traditions for the heart of Advent
The last two weeks of Advent are laden with celebrations both traditional and popular, making it one of the most action-packed few weeks of the Church year. Online you’ll find seven traditional practices your family might want to try during the “heart” of Advent, or at least acknowledge in some small way. Don’t feel pressured to try them all—choose one or two, leaving some time for quiet prayer and anticipation. We’ve got some suggestions for that, too. You’ll find them online.
Your Best Ideas for Celebrating Advent
We asked readers to share their favorite ways to celebrate Advent. Colorful, meaningful, creative, and fun, here are more than 45 of your best ideas…plus reader-submitted photos to go with them!
Five ways to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas
The feast of St. Nicholas on December sixth is a great time to celebrate the life of the beloved fourth-century bishop. Here’s his fascinating story, and five ways to celebrate with your kids.
7 ideas for the best All Saints Day party ever
Halloween is only a warm-up for the real celebration, All Saints Day. Here are seven ways (and lots of little ideas) to celebrate the triumph of Christ in the saints!