3 Ways to Grow in Faith as a Family


Use Faith Talk

In our modern culture, it can sometimes feel strange talking about God in our daily lives. Equipping kids with sacred language helps them articulate their faith as well as their values and beliefs. Prayer before meals and at bedtime is a great time to thank God for the blessings of the day and ask for his blessing. Remind your kids that “God loves them” each day and that you “pray for them” as they head off to school.

Keep Sunday Special

The Mass is the heart of our Catholic faith. Creating family rituals on Sunday helps deepen our faith in God and reinforces a strong bond. Share a family breakfast after Mass and spend Sunday afternoon reading, playing games, visiting friends or just relaxing together.

Reach Out

Helping a neighbor, family member or friend in need does not always involve financial giving. Sometimes the most appreciated gift we can give is our time and energy. Offer to baby-sit for a single parent, or bring an elderly neighbor along the next time you grocery shop. Kids do as we do. We model our faith each time we reach out to help someone in need.