September is a pretty ordinary month. Kids are back in school. Parents are back to regular routines. But in all of its ordinariness, September is the perfect time to discover […]
Perfect dark
It was 4 a.m. one Sunday morning, and the power went out. No big deal. Everyone’s asleep. Except that my kids sleep with night lights, and there are white-noise machines […]
Five “Marks” of the Catholic Family
Are Catholic families supposed to be different? What would that difference look like? 1 Catholic Families Worship Together The Eucharist is the source of the deep love and intimacy Catholic […]
Why Catholicism is good for your health
In his writings on the Theology of the Body, Pope John Paul II describes the human being as a “unity” of body, mind and spirit. You can’t do something with […]
Diary of a Catholic Mom: Scheduling in Time for Faith
As the August days begin to shorten and cool down, my conversations with my friends shift from summer vacation plans and pool dates to the exacting nature of planning out […]