How to teach about Lenten sacrifice

An important lesson of Lent is sacrifice. So often, this lesson is lost in the cacophony of our consumer world. Sacrifice is not easy. It’s more than giving up a bad habit. It’s about recognizing what distracts you and surrendering that yearning for what you think you want. Sacrifice can be emotionally painful and demands commitment. But doing something difficult helps us understand ourselves in a deeper, more meaningful way. How do we parents find a way back to the lesson of sacrifice? How do we instill the importance of this message when we are bombarded daily with the counter message of consumption and instant gratification? Visit us online for some help in how to explain sacrifice to your Catholic kids.

Turning to Mary

This Mother’s Day, I am thinking of all of my fellow mothers who I have walked with on this path of joy and sorrow, delight and drudgery. I am praying for those who have had their heart split in two from the sword of sorrow — miscarriages, stillbirth, disease and death of beloved children. We turn to Mary for comfort and solace.