Helping kids understand the dignity of others

In his Theology of the Body, St. John Paul II argued that the opposite of love isn’t hate. The opposite of love is “use” — that is, when you use somebody. When you love somebody, you treat them like a person. You build them up. You make them feel special. In some way — big or small — you help them grow into a stronger, better, happier, healthier or holier version of themselves. That’s what love does. Find more about helping kids understand the dignity of others.

It’s not that easy being (ever)green

There’s something about a Christmas tree that draws one to it. Even though your tree is probably bone dry and headed to the curb (or to its box in the storage space if your tree is artificial), who among us doesn’t take heart in a living thing that thrives and grows year-round and maintains its color even in the harshest of conditions? Evergreens are an important symbol during the Christmas season in the Church. But why? What is it about the evergreen that it has become such an enduring symbol of our Catholic faith? Find out online.

Not the same old (Christmas) story

Every year around this time, we’re bound to hear a familiar set of narratives in the media. How much we’ll spend. How far we’ll travel. How far behind retail sales are compared to last year. It’s time to put aside the tired stories. Here are three replacement conversations we should be having this Christmas, including talking about how much to give, not how much to spend! Find the conversations online.