In most of the Western Church, the “Twelve Days of Christmas” are the 12 days beginning with Christmas Day itself and concluding with the vigil of Epiphany on the traditional […]
5 ways to celebrate a Catholic Christmas with your toddler
Christmas is a magical, fun time for every child. Presents, snow, time off school, and crazy family members—what’s not to love about Christmastime for a child? But with everything being thrown at them, sometimes the real meaning of Christmas gets lost in the mix. Online you’ll find five ways to help your toddler learn what a Catholic Christmas is all about.
Tips for Christmas Mass with kids
It’s almost Christmas! Are you excited? Depending on when you attend Christmas Mass and whether you travel, you may be facing a whole different set of challenges. Here are a […]
Celebrate Christmas to the fullest with these Catholic traditions
Christmas lasts more than a day in the Catholic Church so here are twenty Catholic traditions to try with your family this Christmas season, plus a few more ideas that are just plain fun.
Battling the bah-humbug in Advent
Do you battle bah-humbug? Do you find yourself looking at the festive decorations and rolling your eyes? Do you slam the car door to punctuate your disapproval of all things […]