Maybe you aren’t among those who have your decorates down and put away by the evening of January 1. For me, though, there’s a temptation to treat Epiphany as my undecorating day. It’s often the day before the kids go back to school, January is busy with basketball and meetings and catching up, and all the festive extras feel like clutter.
There is nothing wrong with doing your clean-up on Epiphany, mind you. In some ways, it’s a gift you might give yourself. But let’s not forget that the Epiphany is a feast day worth its own recognition!
The story of the Magi is a lesson of how we are to respond to the gift of the life of Jesus. We are to put our best gifts forward in the service of God. Often, at Epiphany, we talk about stewardship — the sharing of our time, talent and treasure.
What’s the gift we can give the Christ Child? Pray about that and discuss it with your children.
Here’s an easy (and yummy) craft from Catholic Playground, highlighting the gift of the magi.
Consider that the pilgrimage the Magi made involved spending time with Jesus. When can you stop by and spend some time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament?
Maybe make some King Cake cupcakes. (Any excuse to make food, really.)
Do you have a link or resource to share? Send it to us at so we can share it in a future issue!