Maybe you aren’t among those who have your decorates down and put away by the evening of January 1. For me, though, there’s a temptation to treat Epiphany as my […]
Battling the bah-humbug in Advent
Do you battle bah-humbug? Do you find yourself looking at the festive decorations and rolling your eyes? Do you slam the car door to punctuate your disapproval of all things […]
Sisters vs. nuns and some November saints
Imagine being in front of 3,000 people when you send up a cheer for nuns… …only to realize that the person you were referring to was a religious sister… …and […]
Remembering the souls in Purgatory all November long
With November comes an onslaught of holiday preparations. (Don’t tell me there’s not. I’m in all sorts of denial, but I know better.) But let’s not forget that November is dedicated […]
Parents + Catechists = Win
Here are three tips for catechists and parish staff members to help parents and hopefully encourage them to join in: 1–Communicate. 2. Invite them in. 3. Engage them in their faith.