Have you ever formally blessed your home? This traditional ritual is a powerful reminder that your home is a “sacred space” because of the people who live there. Whether you bless your home yourself or invite your pastor to do so, here are a few ideas you might want to incorporate.
Making Epiphany more than an undecorating day
Maybe you aren’t among those who have your decorates down and put away by the evening of January 1. For me, though, there’s a temptation to treat Epiphany as my […]
The Magi and me: Bringing gifts to Jesus
When I was young, my family had a Nativity set that I loved. As a little girl, the first thing I would do when setting up the crèche was to […]
Six family traditions for Epiphany
Epiphany is an ancient feast celebrating the appearance or manifestation of God to the whole world. Traditionally celebrated on January 6 (still the practice in some places around the world), the liturgical reforms of 1970 moved Epiphany to the second Sunday of January. Online you’ll find six ways you can celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord with your kids.
Celebrating all of the Christmas season
Merry Christmas! Because it’s still Christmas! It’s a whole SEASON that begins on December 25 and stretches until the Baptism of the Lord! But don’t let that overwhelm you. (There’s enough […]