Have you ever formally blessed your home? This traditional ritual is a powerful reminder that your home is a “sacred space” because of the people who live there. Whether you bless your home yourself or invite your pastor to do so, here are a few ideas you might want to incorporate.
Five ways for parents to prepare children for First Holy Communion
How can parents best help kids prepare for their First Holy Communion? A veteran catechist offers five key strategies.
The ABCs of teaching your kids to read the Bible
Do your kids know their Bible? Knowing the Bible is essential to knowing Christ, the Church says. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a Bible expert to teach your kids to read the Bible. In fact, this approach makes Bible literacy as easy as A-B-C.
What does the Rule of St. Benedict offer families?
The Rule of St. Benedict may be 1,500 years old and written for vowed religious, but it’s surprisingly full of good advice for today’s Catholic family as well. Find are four “rules” that every family might adopt.
An examination of conscience for the whole family
This examination of conscience is taken from The Catholic Family Book of Prayers. This brief examination of conscience, loosely based on the Ten Commandments, may be used in preparation for […]