The Rule of St. Benedict may be 1,500 years old and written for vowed religious, but it’s surprisingly full of good advice for today’s Catholic family as well. Find are four “rules” that every family might adopt.
An examination of conscience for the whole family
This examination of conscience is taken from The Catholic Family Book of Prayers. This brief examination of conscience, loosely based on the Ten Commandments, may be used in preparation for […]
The best practices for raising faith-filled kids
How do you raise faith-filled kids? By integrating the practice of the faith into the everyday life of your family, Here’s a roundup of the research from Catholic family faith formation expert John Roberto—including a list of the best practices of faith-filled families. The article was initially written for church professionals; because we think many parents will find in it a useful guide and inspiration for their own practice, you can read it in its entirety it online.
Five ways for parents to prepare children for First Holy Communion
How can parents best help kids prepare for their First Holy Communion? A veteran catechist offers five key strategies.
What is a Catholic family anyway? Busting common myths
It is easy as a Catholic parent to be sucked into a narrow vision of what it means to be a Catholic family: to identify a set of criteria or choices and idealize those characteristics as the only way to be a successful Catholic family. Is it possible to break out of that mold?