Have I prayed every day? Have I prayed my morning prayers and night prayers? Have I prayed with my parents and family? Ask these questions and more you’ll find online by Fr. Thomas Weinandy to get started with an examination of conscience. Extra resources too!
Celebrating Reconciliation with kids: 9 ways to get into the habit
The sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation gets a bad rap, with many people steering clear because they think it’s all about guilt and punishment, when actually the emphasis is on mercy, forgiveness, and healing. Here’s how to help your family enjoy the benefits of this sacrament more regularly.
An examination of conscience for the whole family
This examination of conscience is taken from The Catholic Family Book of Prayers. This brief examination of conscience, loosely based on the Ten Commandments, may be used in preparation for […]
Examinations of conscience for kids
Before you celebrate the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation with your kids, help them to prepare by coaching them through an examination of conscience. Here are some tips, resources, and several examinations of conscience to choose from.
Preparing for First Reconciliation when your child has special needs
When my husband and IĀ first met Alex in our adoption process, we realized quickly that in addition to his physical disabilities, he also was quite developmentally delayed. He could talk […]