This examination of conscience is taken from The Catholic Family Book of Prayers. This brief examination of conscience, loosely based on the Ten Commandments, may be used in preparation for […]
What is a Catholic family anyway? Busting common myths
It is easy as a Catholic parent to be sucked into a narrow vision of what it means to be a Catholic family: to identify a set of criteria or choices and idealize those characteristics as the only way to be a successful Catholic family. Is it possible to break out of that mold?
Make Ordinary Time special with your family
“It’s ordinary time,” my son lamented. “Nothing exciting until Advent.” But as astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno reminded me, ordinary time is special in its own way. What ways will you and your family mark this liturgical season of growing closer to knowing Jesus together as a family? How will you make ordinary time extraordinary this year? Here are six family faith practices to make ordinary time special with your family.
A family consecration to the Holy Family
Have you consecrated your family to the model of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in their family life? Your family doesn’t have to be perfect to be holy! Here is why, and a prayer of consecration you can use with your own family.
A family consecration to the Holy Family • Prayers for Catholic kids
Have you consecrated your family to the model of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in their family life? Your family doesn’t have to be perfect to be holy! Here’s why, and a prayer of consecration you can use with your own family.