Advent around the world

Most of us are familiar with European Advent customs such as the Advent wreath, the Jesse tree and Advent calendars. While these traditions are popular, they aren’t the only way Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This year, add a little international flavor to your Advent by circling the globe with these ’round the world customs. Visit us online to find a variety of customs!

Teamwork extends beyond the playing fields

Any parent who has ever helped their toddler change their clothes knows the struggle: You’re trying to guide them (“take your arm out; put one leg into your pajamas at a time; slide the shirt over your head …”), and they seem to be sabotaging the process at every turn — you pull the shirt up over their head, and they’re pulling it back down. The two of you aren’t working together, so nothing is getting accomplished. You’re not working like a team. What does this all have to do with family faith? The connection between sports and families is easy to see once you think about it. And in the context of faith and family, this example is vitally important.