The Most Precious Blood of Jesus • Monthly devotion for July

Back in the Middle Ages, many Catholics began observing special devotions around a particular theme each month. Today, many families are reviving this practice as part of the way they observe the liturgical calendar at home. By practicing monthly devotions, the core values of the faith will become more alive within your family. The beauty of monthly devotions is that there is no set way to celebrate. So, be creative, make it fun, and adapt your celebration to your own family.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus • Monthly Devotion for June

Back in the Middle Ages, many Catholics began observing special devotions around a particular theme each month. Today, many families are reviving this practice as part of the way they observe the liturgical calendar at home. By practicing monthly devotions, the core values of the faith will become more alive within your family. The beauty of monthly devotions is that there is no set way to celebrate. So be creative, make it fun, and adapt your celebration to your own family. Teaching Catholic Kids has ways to celebrate the popular devotion for June, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Celebrate Saint Gianna Beretta Molla

Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian pediatric physician, a working mother, an avid outdoorswoman, and a loving wife best known for her decision to not abort her child when complications arose during her fourth pregnancy. However, she displayed heroic virtue throughout her life, joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society at the age of twelve, and Catholic Action later in life. She earned her medical degree in 1949 intending to use her skills to help the poor in Brazil, but when poor health prevented that, she opened her own office, focusing especially on helping poor women. Discover more about her life.

5 easy activities for a Lenten retreat for kids

Last year when Catholic mom Karrie Marascia was looking through her church bulletin, she saw that an adult Lenten retreat was being held for most of a Saturday. She had an idea about doing a smaller version of a retreat for her family and gave it a try with her eight children. Online you’ll find the activities, and how they worked out, from putting together blessing bags to an in-home Stations of the Cross.