The Rule of St. Benedict may be 1,500 years old and written for vowed religious, but it’s surprisingly full of good advice for today’s Catholic family as well. Find are four “rules” that every family might adopt.
Meals strengthen families: Why eating together matters
My dad would often say, “My family — we put ‘fun’ in dysFUNction.” And, he’s right. We’re a family made up of all of the same stuff that has affected […]
The Trinity in real life: We need each other
Friends, family, co-workers, siblings — we need one another. Like our God, it is our nature to be interactive, not isolated. John’s Gospel reminds us that just as Jesus is […]
What Catholics need to know about making their homes a domestic church
The Catholic presence stretches around the globe, and its numbers are increasing worldwide, according to statistics from the 2011 Annuario Pontificio (“pontifical yearbook”). Approximately 1.18 billion belong to the big […]
Six evening prayer options for Catholic families • Prayers for Catholic kids
There are many, many ways for your kids to make an evening offering at the end of the day. Here are six options for different ages and prayer styles.