Thanksgiving and Advent readiness

Catholic mom Sarah Reinhard writes, “The world in mid-November is gray and dull, sometimes smattered with snow and sometimes with piles of leaves. There’s a nip in the air, both inside and out, and the days are short enough that it’s sometimes a struggle to get out of bed. I usually face this time of year with a certain rebellious denial. It happens, every single year, and there’s never a surprise. Thanksgiving comes, just as it always does, and Advent leads to Christmas, all the same. This year, I’d like to focus on the gratitude of the family feast and on the silence of the December journey through Advent.” Read Sarah’s plan online.

Have fun with the Rosary (no, really)

Catholic mom Sarah Reinhard writes, I have a love-hate relationship with the Rosary. It’s not so different from how I feel about exercise. They both yield good — great! — results, but they also need an investment of time and effort. If I am struggling with it, how am I supposed to get my kids to do it willingly? Teaching Catholic Kids has resources to help you (and me!) introduce the children in your life to the rosary…and maybe plant the seeds of a lifelong devotion!

Five tips for celebrating First Communion without stress

Catholic mom Sarah Reinhard has celebrated three first Communions. That doesn’t make her an expert, but she has learned some things along the way. Online you’ll find five pointers that have helped her let go of the stress and embrace the beauty of the sacrament, from remembering to smile to keeping in mind the sacredness of the day.