Helping kids understand the dignity of others

In his Theology of the Body, St. John Paul II argued that the opposite of love isn’t hate. The opposite of love is “use” — that is, when you use somebody. When you love somebody, you treat them like a person. You build them up. You make them feel special. In some way — big or small — you help them grow into a stronger, better, happier, healthier or holier version of themselves. That’s what love does. Find more about helping kids understand the dignity of others.

3 ways to tackle marriage stress

Catholic husband Cory Busse writes, if your marriage is anything like mine, there’s only one thing you can count on: perfect marital bliss 24/7! Only kidding! Marriage is hard work. Go online to find three ways to turn some of the most stressful marital moments into opportunities for a stronger union.

8 ways parents can get the most out of their Catholic school investment

Approximately 2 million young people, from preschool to high school, currently are being educated in Catholic schools in the United States. The cost of this education is not insignificant, with the average elementary school tuition just under $4,000 and the average freshman tuition for secondary school just under $10,000, according to 2015 statistics from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. So how can parents be sure that their hard-earned money is being put to the best use? Online you’ll find some strategies for how parents can make the most of their family’s investment in Catholic schools.