This examination of conscience is taken from The Catholic Family Book of Prayers. This brief examination of conscience, loosely based on the Ten Commandments, may be used in preparation for […]
Teaching the realities of the Eucharist
One of the words my 19-month-old son has latched onto at Mass within recent weeks is “body.” He first hears it at the consecration, then repeats it rapidly during much of the remainder of the Eucharistic prayer. This past week, though, as we walked to the car after Mass, he was saying it on repeat, intermingled with the name of Jesus.
It seems to me, by God’s grace, my toddler has latched onto what might be the two most important words that eventually will help him begin to understand the Eucharistic mystery. Let me explain.
Five ways for parents to prepare children for First Holy Communion
How can parents best help kids prepare for their First Holy Communion? A veteran catechist offers five key strategies.
Examinations of conscience for kids
Before you celebrate the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation with your kids, help them to prepare by coaching them through an examination of conscience. Here are some tips, resources, and several examinations of conscience to choose from.
How to embrace the sacramental season
It’s no accident that so many faith milestones take place in the spring. While the new Church year kicks off at Advent, spring is the time that many Catholics mark the beginning or renewal of their sacramental life. My springtime resolution this year is simple: Gather and celebrate more. Find help in this post!