Hello, Lent. Here’s my confession: we’re NOT a Meatless Friday family. I am meatless, myself, for the most part on Fridays. But for a variety of reasons, I don’t insist on it for […]
Get your family ready for Lent
When my fourth child was born, it didn’t sink in that he was going to be a “Lent kid.” I wasn’t raised Catholic, so, to be honest, it never really […]
Kids at Mass (yes, you can)
One of the things that struck me at Catholic Mass, when I first started attending with the man I later married, was the presence of families. There were plenty of […]
How to be unabashedly pro-life with your family
Mid-January often finds me talking about abortion with my kids. Yeah, I know how that sounds. And yet, especially as my older kids get older, the conversation comes up again […]
The Ides of December and the O Antiphons
Have you heard the phrase “Ides of March”? I think I first heard about it in a literature class where it was used in Shakespeare. (That was quite a few […]